Let your chakras breathe!
Your chakras are the points at which pranic energy enters your body. If they are kept in an energized condition, you will be free from all types of diseases. Pranic breathing from the various chakras is a quick way to rejuvenate yourself...
Energizing the pranic layer
About this technique: The air you breathe is just a vehicle in which the prana (life-energy)comes in and goes out of your body. When you inhale, the air comes in carrying prana, and when you exhale, the ‘empty’ air goes out ...
Wave in the cosmic ocean
Whether you believe it or not, whether you accept it or not, you are a wave in the ocean that is the cosmos. If you internalize this concept, then your actions become a spontaneous part of the rising and falling waves, part of the cosmic leela, divine play. Then you don’t feel you are separate, you...
Laugh your way to Health
ABOUT THE TECHNIQUE How often do you laugh? When we laugh, we are completely unaware that we are performing a great spiritual practice!...
Balancing sun and moon energies
ABOUT THE TECHNIQUE When you are involved in any active, analytical or logical activity, your right brain is stimulated. This is the active or ‘solar’ aspect of the brain...
Meditation clears the unconscious
Each of us experiences two states of mind in our day to day life - one with thoughts, another without thoughts...
What happens during spiritual healing?
Almost everybody these days has either heard of or encountered energy healing in some form or other. In fact, most of us practice energy healing on ourselves or others without being aware of it. When you gently rub a bruised elbow, or place your palms on your tired eyes, you are actually practicing...
Benefits of meditation
The benefits of meditation can be reduced to one word: health.
Breath and Mind are deeply connected
Your breathing and your thoughts are very closely associated with one another. The number of thoughts you are having each second is directly related to the flow of prana in your system. Please understand, along with the length, breadth and depth of the prana movement, the thoughts per second also...
Sitting meditation or dynamic meditation?
In the beginning, is it better to start with active or dynamic techniques.
Prepare your body for meditation
The first step in meditation is to start paying attention to the physical health of your body. When your body is functioning with perfect health, it gives you the courage and confidence that you can execute whatever you think.
What is meditation?
With so many common misconceptions about meditation, it might be better to clarify what meditation is NOT!
Vegetarianism - The Healthier Choice
The first twenty minutes immediately after we wake up in the morning, plays a vital role in shaping our entire day. The mood we are in, the thoughts that arise and the way we react to these thoughts during the first twenty minutes, sets the trend for our entire day...
Super-brain yoga
This is a very interesting technique to refresh yourself in an instant.
Extreme exhalation
What do you normally do when you’re feeling stressed out at work? Or when you’re tired at the end of a long day? Please don’t reach out for a cup of coffee, or turn on the TV! A short meditation session can refresh you in a few minutes. Here are a few easy five-minute refreshers you can try out...