Excellence Featured Articles

Nithyananda spiritual talks
Making decisions out of spiritual understanding is the ultimate security!
Five Attitudes for Excellence
Contrary to what we imagine, the simple attitudes we were taught as children are also some of the deepest truths of spiritual living. Patanjali Yoga Sutras, that most profound treatise on spiritual...
Choose war or peace - Nithyananda
You fighting with your own patterns is peace. You fighting with others’ patterns is war!
Your emotions are just chemical reactions - Nithyananda
Understand, all your emotions and actions are nothing but simple chemical changes in you.

Excellence Related Programs

Get Ready to Ignite your Child's True Potential under the Direct Guidance of Paramahamsa Nithyananda! A Program that is one-of-its-kind and a rare...
Inner Awakening
Inner Awakening is about not waiting for life to happen to you, it is not about positive thinking, personal growth or just good health. It is about going...


Life Bliss Program was the most impactful experience
The program has been totally revamped and the depth that we go into for each chakra has helped me to uncover and clarify the... Read More >>
Merrilee, Personal Coach and Healer
More clarity, more confidence...I know what to do now in my life
After the Life Bliss Program, I have more clarity, more confidence...I know what to do now in my life.. Read More >>
Tau, Businessman
I have courage to live in the moment and the universe will take care
After Inner Awakening, I have the courage to live in the moment and the universe will take care. Read More >>
Sabrang T. Designer
Out of the Past and into the Present
I never thought a program like Life Bliss Program could ever give me so much clarification and that I would ever meditate.... Read More >>
Stephan, Lawyer