When was the last time you sang with your eyes?
Danced with your smile?
Throw your whole body and being into anything, just anything?
If you notice children, their whole body is one organic unity. Whatever they are doing, their whole body just flows into that action. They don’t create separation in the body.
It is not as if the head is important and the feet are unimportant.
The truth is that there is no division in your body, no natural demarcations exist.
But by and by demarcations start coming up. Then the head becomes the master, and the whole body is divided into parts.
We stop experiencing our body as a whole. We create roles for each part of our body, and then limit them in these roles. We forget to be total in anything.
In the martial arts tradition, students are told, Your whole body should become an eye! Just imagine! This is the kind of sensitivity that needs to be developed in the body! This is what is being total.
Totality is the way to live.
Your mind is always limiting you. Drop your mind and be total in whatever you do.
Then there will be no hangover in anything. Everything will become a joyful meditation. You will experience fulfillment in whatever you do.
When you miss the totality, you become fragmented. When you are total, you become integrated. Being integrated is your true nature. Remember that!
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This is a 24X7 meditation!
Whatever you are doing, it naturally becomes your meditation for that moment.
When you are looking at something, look with your whole body.
Understand, you don’t just see with the eyes. You can see with your whole body! When you are looking at something intensely, totally, your whole being flows towards that.
But we rarely enter into anything totally.
Now, be total and integrated in all your body movements.
When you are listening, listen with your whole body. Let a deep silence be created in your center. Let your listening happen from that center.
When you are laughing, feel the laughter rising from deep inside you. Let your whole body bubble with laughter!
Even when you are working, using only your hands, feel the movement in your whole body.
Experience your body as an integrated whole. Experience every pore of your skin looking, listening, laughing.
Don’t think, how can I see with my skin?
There are many interesting incidents where blind people have taught their fingers to ‘see’ colours!
You don’t realize, your body is an integrated intelligence!
You never use all the possibilities of your body.
When you are total, a new sensitivity flowers in your body. Your body responds as a whole to life. You begin to live completely with your body.
Not only that, you will find your body expressing abilities that you never imagined. Your body has a tremendous potential that you have never used.
When you fulfill all the possibilities of your body, naturally you become ready to go beyond the body.