A few years ago, an Indian-born scientist, Dr. Rusi Taleyarkhan, announced an astonishing breakthrough in nuclear fusion - which he called Making the Sun in a Jar. In this desktop experiment, using the most basic equipment, the scientist and his team managed to achieve nuclear fusion, and generate energy comparable to what is created in the sun!
It is as unbelievable as 'making' the sun in a jar, but it has happened.
We shouldn't be surprised at this; we are each of us nothing but a sun in a jar! Squeezed into the volume of a five or six-foot body, living in the confines of three dimensions, you are simply not aware of your own potential - physical, mental or spiritual. You are a miracle of super- intelligence that technology can never hope to create. Your body is composed of 50 trillion cells functioning in perfect harmony. Your brain is a system of ten thousand million transmitting information at 200 miles an hour. Your eyes can distinguish 16 million shades of colour. Every day, without instructions and without rest, your heartpumps several litres of blood to every corner of your body. Your DNA carries the intelligence that tells every cell whether it should grow into a muscle or blood or skin.
And still you wonder, Will my stomach upset take care of itself, or should I visit the doctor?
Neuroscientists have shown that the average man doesn't use more than 8-12% of his brain. Even an Einstein or Leonardo Da Vinci did not use more than 20-25% of his brain-power! No IQ test can measure the actual capacity of your brain. IQ tests measure only conscious processes, and much of your mental activity is unconscious. Your unconscious mind stores enormous amounts of information that you don't even know you know! It may have been a rare experience of nature's beauty, or deep love, or a moment of prayer; at some time we have all felt that we are more than just our body, that we share a deep connection with all of Existence. Once we break the barriers of our ego, it will be easy to realize this.
The ego perceives everything as separate from itself. That's why the ego finds the world such a terrifying place! We are so afraid to take the leap of understanding, so we live and die without discovering our true potential. Meditation is nothing but this process of looking inward. It is the process of tapping into the boundless energy and wisdom of the cosmos. This is not a vague philosophical statement! Every biologist will agree that biochemical systems which include trees, animals, the sun and you, are communicating with their environment all the time. An invisible web of communion links all life into one vast, self-maintaining system.
The intelligence that makes this happen is not something borrowed from the outside. Just as it exists in us, intelligence exists in the plants and in the molecules. This is the mystery of life. We live in intelligence, surrounded by intelligence. We are intelligence. We are nothing but an expression of the cosmic intelligence.
If we knew how deeply we are connected to the wisdom of the cosmos, we would feel no more fear. Like the fish searching for the ocean, we search for God outside of ourselves. We forget that we are not only the fish, but also the ocean, the water, the saltiness, and the life!