What is ‘living a conflict-free life’?
It is living completely at ease with your body, your mind, and the circumstances that you experience as the outer world.
Why do I say, ‘What you experience as the outer world’? Because the outer world is nothing but a reflection of your inner state.
We continuously experience some conflict or other every moment - in our relationships, in our goals, in our desires, in life-situations. We invariably attribute our conflict to someone or something in the outer world. We blame the outer world for our problems.
People ask me, ‘How can I be conflict-free in a world that is filled with conflict? Only when the whole world is silent, happy and peaceful can I become conflict-free.’
Understand, that is never going to happen! There is no such thing as bringing peace into the whole world. All problems are usually created by people who try to make the world peaceful!
In the last 3000 years, several thousand wars have been fought. Every leader who declared war claimed that he was going to bring peace to the world!
A conflict-free world starts with a conflict-free individual.
How to live a conflict-free life?
By asking yourself one simple question in the situation of conflict.
Do I really need to change this situation?
If the answer you are hearing from within is Yes, if you feel that the change really needs to happen in your life, bring in a powerful intention, the energy, the shakti, to create that change in your life.
Understand, not all things need to be changed. Understanding and accept what need not be changed is intelligence, buddhi.
To start living a conflict-free life, all you need to do is bring in the energy to change the things that need to change in your life, and the intelligence to accept what need not change.
Above all, understand that whether you change anything or not, life itself is a continuously changing phenomenon. Once you realize this, you will naturally hold onto the one thing that never changes: the eternally unchanging Truth. Then you will automatically be conflict-free.
When you start living a conflict-free life, you start living enlightenment. When there is no conflict inside you, you experience no conflict in the world!