The sacred secret of my existence is, I am completely happy with the chaos in me. I don’t try to make it organized. Chaos is nothing but trying to avoid everything that gives you suffering, and trying to move towards joy always.
FOUR hundred years ago Rene Descartes, the French philosopher declared, ‘I think, therefore I am.’ He was right, and at the same time, he was wrong. This declaration has formed the basis of modern thinking. Billions of people in this world have followed Descartes for generations believing that unless each one outthinks the other they cannot succeed in this world.
THE world is made up of two categories of people: those who are stressed and those who are not. Stressful people are those who desire to control life. They like to mould life in the way they wish it to be. They are focused only on themselves. Those who have no stress are those who accept what life offers them without complaints...
PARAMAHAMSA SRI NITHYANANDA on Choosing Joy over Worry! IF I were to tell you that you choose your worries that make you suffer, you will disbelieve me. That is the truth! Each one of us carries our personalised version of worry. Undoubtedly, the commonality of this worry is that we each have our personalised laundry list. Our worries are not the same as our neighbour’s. Our worry is completely based on our perceptions. Worries are based on individual desires.
ABOUT THE TECHNIQUE Guilt is a very deep-rooted emotion in us. Unlike other emotions, guilt never gets a chance to be expressed. It is always suppressed...
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