Cure For DiabetesDISCLAIMER: This technique is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Individuals with any type of medical condi\tion, the elderly, children below 14, women who are pregnant or suspect they may be pregnant are advised to seek professional medical advice before practicing this technique. Viewers who are not on two-way video conferencing are cautioned that they are practicing these techniques at their own risk. Steps to be folloowed:
1. GOMUKHA ASANAGHERANDA SAMHITA, UPADESHA 2, VERSE 16 Paadau ca bhoomau samathaapya prsthapaarsve nivesayeth | Sthirakaayam samaasadya Gomukham Gomukhaakruthihi ||2.16|| TRANSLATION The right ankle should be placed near the left buttock and the left ankle to be placed near the right buttock. The body should be steady and mouth should be raised a little and sitting equably. This is called Gomukhasana resembling the cow’s face.. TECHNIQUE IN GOMUKHA ASANA, NEXT- 2. UDDEEYAANA BANDHAGHERANDA SAMHITA, UPADESHA 2, VERSE 16 Udare pashchimam taanam Naabheroordhvam tu kaarayet | Uddaanam kurute yasmat Avishraantam mahaakhagaha | Uddeeyaanam tvasau bandhao Mrutyu-Maatanga-Kesaree || 3.10 TRANSLATION TECHNIQUE IN GOMUKHA ASANA, NEXT- 3. BHASTRIKAA KUMBHAKAGHERANDA SAMHITA, UPADESHA 5, VERSES 75- 77 Bhastraiva lohakaaraanaam Yathaa-kramena sambhramet | Tathaa vaayum cha naasaabhyaam Ubhaabhyaam Chaalayet shanaihi || 5.75 || Vimshati-vaaram Cha Krutvaa Kuryaachcha Kumbhakam | Tadante Chaalayet Vaayum Poorvoktam Cha Yathaavidhi || 5.76 || Trivaaram SaadhayetEnam Bhastrikaa-Kumbhakam Sudheehi | Na Cha Rogo Na Cha Klesha Aarogyam Cha Dhine Dhine || 5.77 || TRANSLATION Having thus inhaled and exhaled twenty times as stated above, then let him perform Kumbhaka and then let him expel it by the previous method (this completes one round of Bhastrikaa). Let the wise one perform this Bhastrikaa(Bellows-like) Kumbhaka thrice; he will never suffer any disease and will be always healthy. TECHNIQUE IN GOMUKHA ASANA, NEXT- 4. MOORCCHAA KUMBHAKAHATHA PRADEEPIKAA||CHAPTER 4|| VERSE: 60 Poorakaante Gaadatharam Baddhvaa Jaalandharam Shanaihi | TRANSLATION TECHNIQUE IN GOMUKHA ASANA, NEXT- 5. BHRAAMAREE KUMBHAKAGHERANDA SAMHITA, UPADESHA 5, VERSES 78-82 Ardha-raatre Gate Yogee Jantoonaam Shabda-varjite | Karnau Pidhaaya Hastaabhyaam Kuryaat Pooraka-Kumbhakam || 5.78 || Shrunuyaat Dakshine Karne Naadamantargatam Shubham | Prathamam Jhinjhimeenaadam Cha Vamsheenaadam Tataha Param ||5.79|| Megha-Jharjhara-Bhraamaree Ghantakamsyam Tataha Param | Turee-Bheree-Mrudangaadi-Ninaadaanaka-Dundubhihi ||5.80|| Evam naanaavidho Naado Jaayate Nithyamabhyasaath | Anaahatasya Shabdasya Tasya Shabdasya Yo Dhvanihi || 5.81 || Dhvanerantargatam Jyoti Jyotirantargatam manaha | Tanmano vilayamYaati Tad-vishnoh Paramam Padam | Evam BhraamareeSamshiddhihi Samaadhi-siddhim-aapnuyaath || 5.82 || TRANSLATION At the past midnight, in a place where there are no sounds of any animal to be heard, let the yogi practice puraka and kumbhaka, closing the ears by the hands. He will hear then various internal sounds in his right ear. The first sound will be like that of crickets, then that of a lute, then that of a thunder, then that of a drum, then that of a beetle, then that of bells, then those of gougs of bell-metal, trumpets, kettles-drums, mridanga, military drums, and dundubhi, etc Thus various sounds are cognized by daily practice of this Kumbhaka. Last of all is heard the Anahatha sound rising from the heart; of this sound there is a resonance, in that resonance there is a light. In that Light the mind should be immersed. When the mind is absorbed, then it reaches the Highest seat of Vishnu(Parama-pada). By success in this Bharaamaree Kumbhaka one gets success in samadhi. TECHNIQUE 2.Do this for 7 minutes Note: 10-15 minutes after doing this kumbhaka one should eat something