Cure for Infertility/ImpotenceDISCLAIMER: This technique is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Individuals with any type of medical condition, the elderly, children below 14, women who are pregnant or suspect they may be pregnant are advised to seek professional medical advice before practicing this technique. Viewers who are not on two-way video conferencing are cautioned that they are practicing these techniques at their own risk. Steps to be followed: - BHADRA ASANA
1. BHADRA ASANAHATHA PRADEEPIKAA, UPADESHA 2, VERSE 37 (More) Gulphau Cha Vrushaanasyaadhaha Seevanyaaha Paarshvayoho Kshipeth | Paarshvapaadhau Thu Paaneebhyaam Dhrudam Badhvaa Thu Nishchalam ||2.37||
TRANSLATION One should place the two ankles under the scrotum adjacently to the perineum and hold the feet firmly with hands and remain steady. 
TECHNIQUE - Place the heels adjacent to each other and close to the perineum
- Hold the feet with hands
- Remain steady
IN BHADRA ASANA, NEXT- 2. SHEETHALEE KUMBHAKAGHERANDA SAMHITA, UPADESHA 5, VERSE 73 (More) Jihvayaa Vaayum Aakrushya Udare Poorayet Shanaihi | Kshanam Cha Kumbhakam Krutvaa Naasaabhyaam Rechayet Punaha || 5.73 ||
TRANSLATION The breath has to be filled in the abdomen by drawing air through the tongue. After having retained the breath for a moment, the exhalation should be done through the nostrils. TECHNIQUE - Continue to sit in same asana
- Close the eyes and relax the whole body
- Extend the tongue outside the mouth and roll the sides of the tongue up so that it forms a tube
- Inhale slowly through the tongue and fill the abdomen slowly
- At the end of inhalation, roll the tongue in, close the mouth
- Retain it there for a short time
- Then exhale through both the nostrils
- Do this 21 times
IN BHADRA ASANA, NEXT- 3. SEETHKAAREE PRAANAAYAAMAHATHA PRADEEPIKAA, UPADESHA 4, VERSE 43 (More) Seethkaam Kuryaath Tathaa Vaktre Ghraanenaiva Vijhrumbhikaam | Evam Abhyaasa-Yogena Kaamadevo Dviteeyakaha ||2.54||
TRANSLATION The breath needs to be sucked in through the mouth with a hissing sound and the exhalation to be done through the nostrils. By practicing this Kamadeva – the Cupid becomes the second. TECHNIQUE - Stay in same asana
- Press the lower and upper teeth together and separate the lips as much as comfortable
- Breath in slowly through the gaps of the teeth
- Listen slowly to the sound of the breath as the air is being drawn in
- Close the mouth at the end of the inhalation
- Exhale slowly through the nose
- Do this 21 time
NEXT- 4. BHAGA ASANAYOGAASANA MAALAA SACHITRA, VERSE 46 (More) Paga Ulaataa Modee Baise Paagaa Kaa Maahilaaa Gulapha Koolaa Paashataa Lagaavai Pachai Pagathalyaa Kaa Pishti Haathaa Syau Modi Jaaghaa Baarilee Kaanee Aanee Pagathalee Peeshti Lagaavai Medha Upari Pagakee Aagulee Agra Milaavai Haatha Godaa Raashi Drishti Trikutee Aasana Kau Guna Pavana Sarala Bahai Praana Apaana Keegrathi Shutai Sandhi Baayee Jaayee

TRANSLATION-cum-TECHNIQUE - Place the soles and heels of the feet together
- Touch the Swadishtana with the toes
- Place the hands on the knees
- Fix the gaze at the tip of the nose
- Remain steady for 30 second
IN BHAGA ASANA, NEXT- 5. SHEETHALEE KUMBHAKAGHERANDA SAMHITA, UPADESHA 5, VERSE 73 (More) Jihvayaa Vaayum Aakrushya Udare Poorayet Shanaihi | Kshanam Cha Kumbhakam Krutvaa Naasaabhyaam Rechayet Punaha || 5.73 ||
TRANSLATION The breath has to be filled in the abdomen by drawing air through the tongue. After having retained the breath for a moment, the exhalation should be done through the nostrils. TECHNIQUE - Protrude your tongue as much as possible
- Roll the sides of the tongue like a tube
- Now inhale through the tube formed by the tongue
- After inhaling, close your mouth
- For a moment hold your breath
- Exhale through both the nostrils (you will feel coolness in the mouth while inhaling)
- Do this 21 times
IN BHAGA ASANA, NEXT- 6. SEETHKAAREE PRAANAAYAAMAHATHA PRADEEPIKAA, UPADESHA 4, VERSE 43 (More) Seethkaam Kuryaath Tathaa Vaktre Ghraanenaiva Vijhrumbhikaam | Evam Abhyaasa-Yogena Kaamadevo Dviteeyakaha ||2.54||
TRANSLATION The breath needs to be sucked in through the mouth with a hissing sound and the exhalation to be done through the nostrils. By practicing this Kamadeva – the Cupid becomes the second. TECHNIQUE - Continue to sit in the same posture and close your eyes
- Press the lower teeth with the upper teeth and open your lips comfortably
- Suck air through the gaps inbetween the teeth
- Be aware of the sound produced
- After inhaling, close the mouth and exhale through the nose
- Do this 21 times
NEXT- 7. BHARADVAAJA ASANAYOGA RAHASYA, CHAPTER 6, VERSE 10 (More) Dandapadmabharadvaaja veeravajrasamaani Tu| Aasanaani Sadaa Kuryaat Sudeerghaih Recapoorakaih ||10||

TRANSLATION-cum-TECHNIQUE - Sit with stretched legs
- Fold the right knee
- Place the right foot on the right hand hip side
- Fold the left knee
- Place the left foot upon the right thigh
- Bring the left hand from the back and catch the left foot
- Place the right hand fingers under the left knee
- Turn the face towards the right side
- Remain this pose for 30 seconds
IN BHARADVAAJA ASANA, NEXT- 8. SHEETHALEE KUMBHAKAGHERANDA SAMHITA, UPADESHA 5, VERSE 73 (More) Jihvayaa Vaayum Aakrushya Udare Poorayet Shanaihi | Kshanam Cha Kumbhakam Krutvaa Naasaabhyaam Rechayet Punaha || 5.73 ||
TRANSLATION The breath has to be filled in the abdomen by drawing air through the tongue. After having retained the breath for a moment, the exhalation should be done through the nostrils. TECHNIQUE - Protrude your tongue as much as possible
- Roll the sides of the tongue like a tube
- Now inhale through the tube formed by the tongue
- After inhaling, close your mouth
- For a moment hold your breath
- Exhale through both the nostrils
- You will feel coolness in the mouth while inhaling
- Do this 21 times
IN BHARADVAAJA ASANA, NEXT- 9. SEETHKAAREE PRAANAAYAAMAHATHA PRADEEPIKAA, UPADESHA 4, VERSE 43 (More) Seethkaam Kuryaath Tathaa Vaktre Ghraanenaiva Vijhrumbhikaam | Evam Abhyaasa-Yogena Kaamadevo Dviteeyakaha ||2.54||
TRANSLATION The breath needs to be sucked in through the mouth with a hissing sound and the exhalation to be done through the nostrils. By practicing this Kamadeva – the Cupid becomes the second. TECHNIQUE - Continue to sit in the same posture and close your eyes
- Press the lower teeth with the upper teeth and open your lips comfortably
- Suck air through the gaps inbetween the teeth
- Be aware of the sound produced.
- After inhaling, close the mouth and exhale through the nose
- Do this 21 times
NEXT- 10. BHIDOKA ASANAJOGA PRADEEPIKAA, VERSES 184 - 188 (More) Prathama Baisi Dovu Paava Pasaarai Kachuka Urghako Kurado Daare | Yedayaammadhi Aamtaro Raakhe Mudra Haatha Paramaana Su Daakhai || Phanaa Urdhako Uco Raakhe Khavaa Ubhai Godaa Mem Aanem | Tinake Madhi Jugata So Thaane || Kaakha Dovu Aisee Vidhi Daakhe Godanakho Kaamkhaa Dhigi Raakhe | Haatha Do U Padanamadhi Taane Tinako Ulata Ara Baahari Aane || Tina Kara Gahai Pagathalee Do U Kora Vaaralee Jaane So U | Bhoopari Ani Lalaata Lagaavai Drishti Trikuteemaahi Thaharaavai || Ihi Aasanasom Tejaro Teejee Paalee JaaEe | Udara Vithaa Naase Sakala Kaayaa Nirmala Thaaya ||

TRANSLATION-cum-TECHNIQUE - Sit with stretched legs
- Spread the feet apart one cubit
- Bend the head forward
- Insert both the hands under the legs
- Now catch hold of the feet from the outside
- Touch the ground with your forehead
- Fix the gaze at the brow center
- Remain this asana for 30 seconds
11. SHEETHALEE KUMBHAKAGHERANDA SAMHITA, UPADESHA 5, VERSE 73 (More) Jihvayaa Vaayum Aakrushya Udare Poorayet Shanaihi | Kshanam Cha Kumbhakam Krutvaa Naasaabhyaam Rechayet Punaha || 5.73 ||
TRANSLATION The breath has to be filled in the abdomen by drawing air through the tongue. After having retained the breath for a moment, the exhalation should be done through the nostrils. TECHNIQUE - Protrude your tongue as much as possible
- Roll the sides of the tongue like a tube
- Now inhale through the tube formed by the tongue
- After inhaling, close your mouth
- For a moment hold your breath
- Exhale through both the nostrils
- You will feel coolness in the mouth while inhaling
- Do this 21 times
IN BHIDOKA ASANA, NEXT- 12. SEETHKAAREE PRAANAAYAAMAHATHA PRADEEPIKAA, UPADESHA 4, VERSE 43 (More) Seethkaam Kuryaath Tathaa Vaktre Ghraanenaiva Vijhrumbhikaam | Evam Abhyaasa-Yogena Kaamadevo Dviteeyakaha ||2.54||
TRANSLATION The breath needs to be sucked in through the mouth with a hissing sound and the exhalation to be done through the nostrils. By practicing this Kamadeva – the Cupid becomes the second. TECHNIQUE - Continue to sit in the same posture and close your eyes
- Press the lower teeth with the upper teeth and open your lips comfortably.\
- Suck air through the gaps inbetween the teeth
- Be aware of the sound produced
- After inhaling, close the mouth and exhale through the nose
- Do this 21 times